Friday, July 4, 2008

48. Courage

A talk given by six-year-old Rebecca Cleverly on Sunday morning, May 3, 1981, in the Primary of the Bountiful Twentieth Ward, Bountiful Utah South Stake. The talk was printed in the June 1981 issue of the Family Journal.

Today I’m going to talk about courage. Courage is doing what you are supposed to do and not letting other people try to make you do wrong things.

I am going to tell you some stories about courage.

David had courage to fight Goliath. Goliath thought he could kill David. And David killed Goliath with his slingshot.

Joseph Smith also had courage. When he was nine years old, he had to have an operation on his leg. And Joseph Smith said he would let the doctor operate if he would let his father stand by him.

The pioneers also had courage to go across the country, and they had to leave their homes and come and build new ones.

Today the missionaries have courage to go around the world to teach the gospel.

I pray that we can have courage. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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