Saturday, August 23, 2008

56. Why Jesus Came Down to Earth

A talk given by seven-year-old Rachael Cleverly on Sunday, December 26, 1982, in the Primary of the Bountiful Twentieth Ward, Bountiful Utah South Stake. On Christmas night Claudia and I had asked the children, "Why was Jesus born?" They weren’t really sure. Rachael was excited by the answers and decided to talk about them the next afternoon in a talk she had been assigned to give in Primary. The talk was published complete with her original spelling in both the January 1983 issue of the Cleverly Newsletter and the January 1984 issue of Die Lange Zeit. Rachael at the time was a second grader at Bountiful Elementary.

Today I’m going to talk about why Jesus came down to earth.

OK, when we were still up in heven, our hevenly father said, “I know you want to be like me with a body. And I do to, but in order to do that, we’ll have to have a world, but you’ll make mistakes. So I’ll have to get someone to corect them.”

Jesus and Saten were the only ones who volintered. They both wanted to do that. Then Saten spoke up and said, “I’ll make sure no-one is bad.” Our hevenly father did not like his idea. Our hevenly father wants us to choose by our selfs.

Suddenly Jesus said, “I’ll do it your way. I won’t force them. I will let them choose, and give you all the credet.”

Saten was very mad at this point. Our hevenly father kicked Saten right out of heven, and a third of his followers. Saten is still mad. And he tries to make us do bad things.

But the real reasons why Jesus came are to show us an example, to teach us, to pay for our sins, and he died for us so we could live with him agin.

There are two kinds of deth, spirichle deth, and phisicle deth. Phisicle deth is when our spirit departs from our bodies. Spirichle deth is when we do rong, and we depart from God.

And I hope we won’t have spirichle deth, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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