Saturday, August 23, 2008

63. Daniel in the Lion's Den

A short talk given by ten-year-old Anna Cleverly on Sunday, February 19, 1989, in the Primary of the Bountiful Twentieth Ward, Bountiful Utah South Stake. The talk was published in the March 1989 issue of the Family Journal. Anna at the time was a fourth grader at Bountiful Elementary.

My talk is on Daniel in the lions’ den. Daniel lived a long time ago. One day the king’s princes got so jealous of him they wanted to kill him. They made up a law that said nobody could pray for thirty days. Then the princes spied on Daniel at his home. They saw him praying, so they reported it to the king. The king liked Daniel, and he didn’t want him to be killed. Then they threw him in the lions’ den. And then he prayed the lions wouldn’t eat him. The next day the king rushed to see if he was hurt, and he wasn’t. Then the king threw all the princes in the lions’ den, and they were killed instantly by the hungry lions. I hope we can all pray like Daniel. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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